
The future of customer experience: Voice vs. Digital

Written by Elin Gunnarsson | May 14, 2024 11:00:00 PM

Let’s face it, it’s hard to meet the very high expectations of customers today. But to be fair, customer experience is often the key differentiator, making a company stand out in the crowd. So why should customers settle for anything less than smooth, easy and efficient service?

As companies strive to meet these evolving expectations, a debate has sparked; voice versus digital. Should companies stick to their old guns, focusing on a call center like support department? Or should they lay their eggs in the digital basket, using digital channels and AI to handle support?

In this blog, we will dive into this debate; What is the best way to the customers heart, voice or digital?


Voice vs. Digital: Debunking the dilemma

Voice: Traditionally, voice support has been the cornerstone of customer service, offering a personalized and immediate connection between businesses and their customers. It’s a tried and tested method, giving customers a real human connection that can understand complexity and nuances.

Voice is especially handy when something goes wrong. You wouldn’t stand knee deep in water, watching your basement flood, looking for a way to chat with your plumber. You would call, right?

A downside to this channel is that good support staff is costly and often time consuming to train. Capacity is hard to multiply on busy occations, an agent might get bored of redundant tasks and real people can only work a limited number of hours.

Digital: On the other hand, digital channels such as chat, email, and social media provide convenience and accessibility, allowing customers to engage with companies on their preferred platforms and at their own pace. Sprinkle in some AI into the digital mix and you will get customer care around the clock, at an extremely low cost.

But a complex issue might be hard to explain via text, especially if you’re writing on a smart phone. Even though AI can be really smart, it can still lack that human touch and nimbleness of understanding what the problem might be. And as stated before, when things go wrong, customers tend to want to call and talk to a real human.


Multi-channel approach

While each channel has its merits, the real challenge lies in recognizing that customers expect a multi-channel approach to customer care. Today's consumers are more empowered than ever, expecting seamless interactions across various touchpoints. Whether they prefer the convenience of chatting with a support agent online or speaking to a live representative over the phone, customers demand flexibility and responsiveness.


The Power of Integration

In a hyper-connected world, customers expect nothing short of excellence when it comes to customer experience. They demand quick resolutions, personalized interactions, and effortless communication across all channels.

Instead of viewing voice and digital channels as competing alternatives, businesses should embrace an integrated approach to customer experience. By leveraging a mix of chat, email, contact center, social media, and telephony, companies can create a cohesive and omnichannel support ecosystem that meets the diverse needs of their customers.

For instance, a customer might initiate a support request via chat, but prefer to switch to a voice call for complex issues that require immediate attention. Seamless integration between these channels ensures a consistent and personalized experience throughout the customer journey, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

By embracing both voice and digital channels, companies can create a customer-centric culture that puts the needs of their audience first. Whether it's providing real-time support via chat, responding to inquiries on social media, or offering personalized assistance over the phone, a diverse range of communication options ensures that no customer is left behind.


Conclusion: Embracing the hybrid approach

In conclusion, the future of customer experience lies not in choosing between voice and digital channels, but in embracing a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both. By integrating chat, email, contact center, social media, and telephony into a seamless ecosystem, businesses can deliver exceptional service that meets the high demands of today's customers. In this interconnected landscape, success hinges on adaptability, agility, and a relentless focus on enhancing the overall customer experience.

At Dstny, we recognize the importance of bridging voice and digital channels to create memorable and meaningful interactions with our customers. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing emerging technologies, we are committed to shaping the future of customer experience and setting new standards of excellence in the industry.


Join us on this journey as we redefine what it means to deliver exceptional customer service in the digital age.