In this blog, we discuss the onboarding process for Microsoft Teams Operator Connect, looking at what needs to be considered following the initial steps of filling in a nomination form and completing a pre-qualification attestation.
Whilst there is no enforced time limit once you have made it past the registration stage for Teams Operator Connect, the faster you can make it to market the better.
Caution here is advised, as a self-built approach to Operator Connect can require significant cost, time and developmental resources. Even if you have a technology stack in place, you will almost certainly need to make big adjustments to configure Microsoft Teams Operator Connect.
Don’t forget, onboarding to Teams is not just about your established technologies. There are a lot of considerations to plan for.
Before you go to market you will need to set up dedicated sales teams, marketing teams, and support teams; You will need to ensure internal engagement, develop training methods and implement them; You will need to plan ROI schedules; and at the very least develop an in-depth knowledge of both the tool and the market.
This is to name but a few of the things you will need to check off as part of your onboarding requirements with Microsoft, before being a successful part of the Teams Operator Connect marketplace. If this wasn’t enough, you will also need to send reports back to Microsoft at every step of the way.
Microsoft Teams Operator Connect onboarding can quickly drain resources when self-managed.
The onboarding stage is where Carrier Automate really begins to flourish. Our solution, built in collaboration with Ribbon, means we are an approved Operator Connect Accelerator, and as part of this:
Carrier Automate can help you be a part of Operator Connect
Our goal is to ensure a smooth, well-structured, and rapid transition to accelerate your go-to-market. We can make it so that you are ready to sell from day 1 with minimal engineering. Our dynamic pricing structure also means that there is minimal investment or risk.
This blog is part of a series! We can also help you learn more about what to do before onboarding to Operator Connect and what you can do after becoming a part of the Microsoft marketplace.